The Little Prince: An Interview with Director P Burton-Morgan

This Christmas, Taunton Brewhouse and Metta Theatre are proud to present their brand-new circus musical extravaganza The Little Prince. To find out more about the show, we sat down with writer and director, P Burton-Morgan, who told us all about the pressures of adapting the much-loved story.

Hi P! Can you tell us more about The Little Prince and what audiences can expect?

It’s a musical. And it’s a circus show. It’s a circus musical. And we have a wonderfully talented ensemble of local young people in it. So, you can expect heart-warming ballads, big belly laughs and lots of backflips.

What inspired you to write this adaptation?

Well, like a lot of people, it’s one of my all-time favourite books and has been on my list to adapt for a decade. But the production concept was born out of the last circus musical I did – an adaptation of The Little Mermaid – which, for anyone who saw, will see a lot of the same cast, creative team, and some similar circus concepts.

For me, circus, even more than dance, is a form of visual poetry. And so, it felt like a natural form with which to bring to life this deeply poetic masterpiece. But circus on its own can get a bit abstract so telling those stories and exploring those characters through song also keeps it grounded in a form that’s really accessible.

You must have done a lot of research. Can you tell us more about that process?

I knew the book inside out from reading it as a child and also listening to a handmade audiobook that my uncle made for me and my siblings. In terms of developing the libretto and the circus, because I’ve worked as a director/ maker of circus for over a decade, I have a strong understanding of the skills and physical vocabulary of the different disciplines.

Therefore, the process of imagining what circus disciplines would best suit a particular character or moment in the show was a very natural process for me.

What do you think makes the story of The Little Prince so well-loved?

The characters are delightful and it’s chock full of wit, whimsy and heart. There are so many deeply profound philosophical insights into life, and nuggets of wisdom that maybe as a child you only half absorb, but then as you grow older you keep returning to them again and again. As an adult or as a child, it speaks to people on a very personal level.

What makes Metta’s adaptation so special?

It’ll be unlike anything you’ve ever seen before! It’s very difficult to create circus musicals – that’s why so very few people attempt it. In this regard, our adaptation brings a fresh perspective to the timeless tale – combining extraordinary circus performances, stunning set design and a truly magical score.

It’ll also make you cry. For anyone who knows the book, that may not be too surprising as it is a story about many beautiful and joyous things, as well as grief and loss. And that’s something that everyone can relate to.

Touching the depth of human emotion is a big part of what we try to do with theatre, so yes, there’ll be backflips and belly laughs, but you should also bring a hankie.

And finally… what do you enjoy most about making family theatre?

I’ve always been interested in making multi-faceted theatre, so for me the joy of family theatre is the intergenerational aspect of it, especially when working with physical and visual forms like circus. The spectacle of that resonates with young children, while teenagers and adults can follow the narrative and emotional arc of the storytelling. We like to joke that our age range is 6-106, but I firmly believe great art speaks to everyone.


P Burton-Morgan is a renowned writer and director working across musical theatre, plays and opera. Her musical theatre writing/directing credits include The Rhythmics (Southwark Playhouse), In The Willows (Exeter Northcott and UK Tour), The Little Mermaid (Theatre by the Lake and UK Tour), and Blown Away (Exeter Northcott and UK Tour). She founded Metta Theatre in 2005 alongside partner Will Reynolds.


The Little Prince plays at Taunton Brewhouse from 6 – 30 December 2022. To book tickets, please click here. For further information about our accessible performances, please email [email protected] or call us on 01823 283244.

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